The Earthsense Eco-Solution is our promise to provide economically and environmentally sustainable solutions through a concerted effort to Reduce, Reuse and Recycle

By recycling of e-waste, Earth Sense significantly contributes to the nation's Green Growth Vision of Zero Emission- 2070.
Recycling is always beneficial to the climate issue in two key ways:
- By reducing the quantity of raw materials used, and
- The quantity of waste transported to landfills
According to a study, recycling will reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 5.7%–7.02% between 2020 and 2050. Recycling contributes to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by lowering energy use. Utilizing recycled materials in the production of new items decreases the demand for virgin metals and materials. This prevents the release of greenhouse gases that would arise from harvesting or mining virgin minerals and metals. Moreover, manufacturing with recycled materials takes less energy than manufacturing with virgin materials.
Less energy is required to extract, process, transport, and refine metal and materials.Purchasing of refurbished products reusing a few discarded products and using recycled commodities, such as paper, plastic, glass, and metals instead of virgin resources will help to minimise energy consumption.
Earth Sense is pleased to acknowledge our contribution by recycling of e waste in Hands Together with Government of India's vision Green Growth Zero Emission- 2070.

More than 97% of the weight of retired electronics that we collect is dismantled and segregated into raw materials that are further processed for manufacturing new products. In this way, we play an integral role in reducing the amount of waste that is directed to landfills.

By enabling the extension of existing product life cycles and cutting down on the manufacture of new ones, we help bring about greater environmental sustainability and lesser expenditure for the society. In the event that we are unable to reuse the whole unit, we work towards the reusability of insectionidual components.

When the components are beyond the stage of remarketing or reusing, we subject them to recycling. Towards this, we have a meticulous recycling process in place which deploys the most environmentally sound techniques for the safety of our people and the eco-system, and allow the recovery of the highest amount of raw material, thereby enabling the most optimum recycling efficiency. Thus, the greater objective of conserving nature's finite resources is effectively met.